Colbert wil have coddle rightwingnuts

Carter, who has written extensively about the late-night comedy landscape, spoke with HuffPost Live’s Josh Zepps on Tuesday about the end of “The Colbert Report” and its host’s transition to taking over David Letterman’s “Late Show.”

“You have to be broader on a network late night show, and one of the things you have to do is play to the middle of the country,” Carter said.


That means Colbert can no longer be content targeting liberal viewers in New York and Los Angeles, Carter explained.

Two things about this pundits advice. #1  Conservative is not the middle of the country. #2Just because all others have done this, doesn’t mean that others (Colbert) has to follow their examples.  I think they are often called trend setting.


Recognizing Cuba

I find it sickening that the US is recognizing Cuba diplomatically because their human rights record which includes documented water boarding, physical beatings, mental harassment, deprivation of sleep, deprivation of food, water, continuous lighting,etc.  Why would we want to be associated with a government that does.  Oh, I know that we recognize countries that routinely torture like China, Saudi Arabia, but this is different: this was an act of Obama and he always screws things up


I wrote a book published last April about my experiences as a member of AA in the Rochester, NY area.  It is available through Amazon and on your Kindle.  There are three errors that should be corrected before long.  I have hesitated to listt his publicly because of the principle that I remain anonymous but I did maintain anonymity when the book was published by using only Bill and the first initial of my last name.


Since I’m new to blogging don’t expect too much from me for a while.